Furnace Stopped Working? What You Can Do
Having your furnace stop working in the middle of winter is probably a homeowner's biggest fear. When the temperature dips outside, your furnace is going to work overtime in order to keep you warm inside. If your furnace gets overworked, it may shut down completely, which is something you definitely do not want. If your furnace happens to stop working, there are things you can do to help. Read on for tips to get your furnace working again so you and your family can stay warm.
What Kinds Of Air Conditioners Are Available Today?
If it has been years since you last purchased an air conditioner, you might be surprised how many options you now have. A few decades ago, almost every homeowner either opted for central air or window units. Now, alternative options — like geothermal air conditioning, ductless systems, and hybrid air conditioners — have become quite commonplace. Keep reading to learn the basics about each type of system so you can make the best choice for your home's air conditioning replacement.
Portable Heater Safety While Waiting For Furnace Repairs
When your furnace breaks down, you will need a back-up source of heat to stay warm and prevent your pipes from freezing. Do you keep a portable heater handy in case of an event such as this? If not, it's time to get one and it's time to learn some safety tips for using them. Here, you'll learn how to maximize the safety of using portable heaters in your house until your furnace can be repaired.
Freezing House: Is It Time To Service Your Air Duct System?
If your home just won't warm up even after you crank up your furnace, you may think it's time to service the appliance. But before you take apart your furnace, check your air duct system first. If you haven't cleaned or replaced your air ducts in many years, they can leak warm air during the cold season. The trapped heat can eventually backtrack to your furnace and cause a number of issues with it.
Four Ways To Heat Your Hunting Cabin This Fall
So, you may not spend a whole lot of time in the cabin when you are out hunting this fall, but you still want it to be toasty when you come in from field and forest. If you only have a tiny space heater to keep the cabin warm, then maybe you should consider something a bit more powerful for the colder years when winter arrives before hunting season is over.