Dealing With Furnace Problems

Dealing With Furnace Problems

  • Overheated By High HVAC Bills? Wall Insulation Information Homeowners Need

    The recent blast of sub-zero weather caused many American families to suffer twice. The first instance of discomfort was, of course, caused by the need to stay warm during the extreme weather event. For many, however, the later massive heating bill was just as painful.  Homeowners who are unhappy with their current heating bills may want to consider increasing the wall insulation in their homes. If you are unsure about whether your wall insulation should be improved, this information can help.

  • Warm In Part Of Your House And Cold In Other Parts? 2 Things That Can Cause This And What You Can Do

    If part of your home feels warm and other areas feel cold, then there are many things that can cause this to happen, two of which are listed below. There is also information below about what you can do to even out the temperature in your home. Ducts Leaking One common cause of having unsteady temperatures in your home is having leaks in your duct system. Hire an HVAC contractor to check the ducts.

  • Common Refrigerator Problems To Tackle Quickly

    Everything may be going fine around the house until your refrigerator acts up. It's an essential appliance that you always want running smoothly. If these particular issues show up, then you need to respond as quickly as you can. Leaking If you notice that your refrigerator is leaking water, either inside or outside, then you want to take this problem seriously and see if you can find a solution right away.

  • Possible Causes And Fixes Of Low Airflow Coming Out Of Your Furnace

    Low airflow from your furnace is a cause for concern because your furnace won't be able to keep you warm if it can't blow out enough heated air. Plus, the furnace might overheat when there isn't adequate airflow, and that could harm your furnace. Here's a look at the causes of low airflow and what you can try before calling a furnace repair company. Reasons For Low Airflow That Have DIY Fixes

  • AC Servicing? The Starter Guide For First-Time Homeowners

    Becoming a first-time homeowner can bring about a full range of emotions. Along with the pride of ownership, most first-time homeowners may feel the weight of the responsibility for maintaining, repairing, and replacing the systems, components, and structures that make up the home they have just purchased. One of the systems they must learn to maintain is the central air conditioning system. First-time homeowners who want to learn the basics of servicing their A/C system can use this information to get off to a good start.

About Me

Dealing With Furnace Problems

A few years ago, I could tell that we were having serious furnace problems. In addition to dealing with a house that was constantly too cold or too warm, we were also plagued by a noisy, smelly furnace that seemed to have trouble on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I didn't know enough about furnaces at the time to spot the problems quickly. One day, the entire system died, and it was beyond repair. After having that experience, I learned a lot about HVAC systems, so that I could troubleshoot future systems. This website is all about teaching you what you need to know so that you don't end up in the same situation.
