Dealing With Furnace Problems

Dealing With Furnace Problems

  • How Your Home Life Can Improve With Air Conditioning

    If you don't have air conditioning in your house, then you might be interested in learning about the different ways installing an air conditioner can improve your home life. Here are some of the things that you may see improve once you have AC put in: You spend more time inside When you don't have air conditioning inside your home, you may not feel like spending much time inside the house.

  • What Causes The Capacitor In Your AC To Malfunction And The AC Repairs Needed

    An AC capacitor is a part that looks similar to a battery and it has a similar function. The capacitor is an electrical part that stores energy and then delivers it to the motor in your air conditioner to give it power to start up. Here are some things that could cause the capacitor to go bad, signs of a bad capacitor, and how an AC repair service can fix the problem.

  • How You Should Address Your Home's Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

    When you are trying to get the most out of your home air conditioning (AC), keep in mind that this is a constant decision. You can't just leave your air conditioner as-is and expect it to keep performing for you the way that it should. Rather, it is up to you to touch base with a professional that can assist you in improving, changing, and installing any air conditioning system that you need.

  • Suddenly Without Heat? It Could Be the Thermostat or Furnace

    If your home suddenly feels like an icebox, you might not know what to think. Your thermostat could be behind the sudden dip in temperature, or it could be your furnace. Both of these heating appliances can suddenly quit working during the winter. Learn how your thermostat and furnace can make your home suddenly feel like an icebox below. Thermostat The thermostat controls when and how your furnace turns on during the cold season.

  • How To Know That An AC Is Getting Too Old

    Your air conditioner (AC) will lose some of its cooling power as it ages. In fact, there will come a point when it's best (for both comfort and energy efficiency) to replace the AC, even if it has not completely broken down. Below are some of the signs that mean your AC is too old and you should replace it. Refrigerant Leaks Refrigerant leaks are dangerous because they reduce the effective cooling of the AC.

About Me

Dealing With Furnace Problems

A few years ago, I could tell that we were having serious furnace problems. In addition to dealing with a house that was constantly too cold or too warm, we were also plagued by a noisy, smelly furnace that seemed to have trouble on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I didn't know enough about furnaces at the time to spot the problems quickly. One day, the entire system died, and it was beyond repair. After having that experience, I learned a lot about HVAC systems, so that I could troubleshoot future systems. This website is all about teaching you what you need to know so that you don't end up in the same situation.
